The best country for working as a teacher


he best country to be a school teacher is in the country you most want to live in.The pay, benefits, school design, curriculum is all secondary to your happiness and life fulfillment as a teacher.

Americans like to talk about the great mythical Finnish educational system.




It may be the best in the world (or not), but it is not the best for me. I do not speak Finnish, and am much more effective teaching in the United States. I am more comfortable teaching here too, because I can relate to students who speak my language and who grew up with shared life experiences.





There are some states in the U.S. that pay better than mine, but similarly I like mine the best, because I am close to family and my community of friends. Why move a thousand miles for a $5,000 pay raise?

Best is a silly metric: I hope all schools provide a quality education for students. If “bests” exist, that means there is suboptimal learning elsewhere, and I hope that schools would learn from one another to help all students and all teachers find success.






Would you rank your own children from best to worst?

So why rank schools like that, when so many countries are thus far providing a quality education to millions of their students. “Great enough” is another fine metric that should be used when measuring people.


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